After the recent tragedy in London (Grenfell Tower) it has sadly, but finally come to the attention of Landlords, property owners and tenants alike that their properties and homes must be suitable in case of a fire.
A focal point of the "Fire safety" for us as we are locksmiths
will be on the doors and locks
that can be installed on a property to ensure it not only keeps in line with fire regulations but will also keep you safe, that's what they are there for. of the property.
We have scoured many .Gov websites including Council websites and Fire brigade websites to collate the information you need as a landlord of a flat or even as a homeowner with a family residing in the same house. As we are focusing on the door this calls into account all items on the door and serving the purpose of withstanding a fire and securing your residence. There are two types of fire doors
equipped in different areas of the property depending on number of residents and other variants.
A fire exit door is an
door; it can be left open and does not have to be fire resistant. The purpose of the fire exit door is to allow a quick and un-hindered escape through a well lit door into a place of safety while stopping un-authorised access from the outside.
A fire door is generally an internal door, whose purpose is to