As times move forward burglars figure out new ways of gaining access to properties. For this reason security services and lock manufacturers have to keep updating their forms of security to outwit the competition.
There are a few things that can be a done as a small home owner or even small business owner to keep burglars from trying to gain access to your property, before they even reach your locks or windows.
1 - Lights.
There are many types of lights sold on the internet, many of which don't require professional knowledge to install and come with batteries. Small, discreet and helpful even to you on a dark evening, lights are great. Just install a small light above your door capable of illuminating the door and whoever is standing in front of the door. Make sure they come with sensors, this way lights on when you need them and provided its bright enough, will deter any burglar
thinking of breaking open your door or lock.
2 - Hedge trimming.
We're all guilty of letting our hedges get out of hand, the small but fast growing bush right next to our door. Spending those 20-30 minutes trimming your hedges can save you hours of painful phone calls to the police and insurance companies later on. The overgrown hedges only serve to protect the burglars from prying eyes. They may only require a few minutes to get in, but with that overgrown hedge they can take their time, maybe even break the door down. Should the burglars decide to break the door
, it may even muffle the sound and your neighbours wont hear no matter how close they are.
3 - Good locks
We as a locksmith
company know that securing your property is not a big deal and shouldn't break the piggy bank. Having one good lock on your front door and securing your property are basic requirements needed for every property. We have been in the market for years and know that securing your property is one phone call away.
That being said, all the highest security locks in the world wont help if they aren't used properly. When using a locksmith you should always feel confident that when they are done, you know how to correctly use the lock to secure your property, if not, maybe you should be looking at other locksmith companies, we're available!
4 - Alarms.
Today there are many types of alarms available at many different prices. You can choose to have your home fitted with a full alarm system that will alert an external company of intruders. Alternatively you can fit small alarms to your doors and windows that can be set when you leave the house and make a racket that will warn off any intruder and alert your neighbours. It all depends on the size of your property and how far your nearest neighbour is, as with all security measures.
5 - Cameras.
We left cameras till last for good reason. In most cases cameras will only deter a burglar the first time and only if it's on the external walls in good view of the street. This is because they can simply pull a balaclava over the faces, or a scarf and easily avoid the cameras. They are also mainly used to track down burglars after the fact, thus they don't really deter, mainly help you get justice after the fact.
If you are going to install cameras, its best to install them on the outer walls out of reach , and well within view of anyone approaching the property. This will ensure they are being used as a deterrent as well as to catch the burglars
We're hoping the advice here can shine a light on some ways you can secure your property
. If you're here because you have already been burgled in London
, we take care of after burglaries all the time and would be happy to help. We provide temporary door boarding
and provide temporary security measures so you can sort out your new door
. Whether you choose to use us or want to shop around we will give you the time you need to install a new door.
In some cases, where the lock
has been bypassed or broken in
we can offer security advice
so this never happens again.
Contact us now for any security advice or after burglary