Did you know a door key wears down each time you use it? Many assume door keys last forever because people use them thousands of times without problems. However, a key may survive hundreds of thousands of locking and unlocking cycles before it breaks down or snaps in half. Some people even get things stuck on the teeth of their keys that prevent them from working in the locks.
Private residents and commercial property owners will likely experience problems with their keys at some point. For example, you could find yourself in a situation where your key breaks, snaps, malfunctions, or gets stuck in a lock or keyhole. Once this happens, you will need the professional services of a licensed locksmithing company to assist you in making a replacement key.
SMS Locksmith is one of the most trusted and professional locksmithing companies around. We have the tools, skills, and expertise to replace the broken, stuck, or blocked keys for any lock. If your key is stuck in a keyhole, our professional locksmiths have advanced tools and techniques for removing the key without damaging the lock. We aim to ensure you have a fully functional lock and key to secure your doors sufficiently.
Here are some tips to remember when your key snaps, breaks, or gets stuck in a lock:
You may feel tempted to remove your key when it gets stuck in a lock. We recommend you refrain from taking personal action because you could risk damaging the lock or door. If that were to happen, you would have to pay extra money to replace the lock. Why take the risk when you can call a professional like us to replace your key for a much lower price?
Wear and tear are common reasons for keys snapping in half. But they can also snap in half if you put too much pressure on them. Anytime you insert a key into a keyhole and turn the key, you should not have to apply more than a few pounds of pressure to the key to lock or unlock the latch.
If you must place extensive pressure on the key, then something must be wrong with your lock or keyhole. Perhaps something is stuck in it, or the locking mechanism is broken. Either way, you should contact a professional locksmith to investigate the situation instead of forcing a key to work.
SMS Locksmith can repair, replace, or remove keys for all kinds of locks, including front door locks, garage door locks, window locks, padlocks, and more! Our locksmiths work fast and efficiently to perform the service for clients and reduce the inconvenience. It should take no longer than 30 to 60 minutes for our locksmiths to remove or duplicate keys as needed.
Call 020-3151-0531 to submit your key service request today. Our locksmiths offer emergency and non-emergency key repair and replacement services.